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pooper scooper service
Loving and caring for our pets is a joy – until it comes to scooping poop, and dog doo is more than just a nuisance – it can pose a serious health hazard. Left to accumulate, pet waste ruins the appearance of your property, attracts disease-carrying pests, pollutes ground water sources and offends the neighbors – not to mention endangering the health of your pets and your family. Pet Butler, America’s trusted name in pet waste cleanup and removal was created to make life easier for pet owners by eliminating the most unpleasant aspects of pet ownership – at a surprisingly low cost! We have provided clean-up and removal of pet waste and small trash to residential and commercial properties since 1988. Pet Butler really is #1 in the #2 business! SIGN UP NOW ONLINE or CALL 1-800-PetButler and mention this “poopon” and receive 1 month of free service. Terms and conditions apply.